Body parts

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Alle producten (87)

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En vedette

En vedette Meilleures ventes Alphabétique, de A à Z Alphabétique, de Z à A Prix: faible à élevé Prix: élevé à faible Date, de la plus ancienne à la plus récente Date, de la plus récente à la plus ancienne

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Grote billen foam
    Large butt foam

    en stock


    Transformeer je look met deze hilarische Grote Billen Foam! Perfect voor elk feestje waar je de show wilt stelen. Kenmerken Comfortabel te dragen Realistisch en grappig One size fits all Steel de show! Of je nu een carnavalsfeest of een...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Clownsneus rood
    Clown nose red

    en stock


    Beautiful red clown nose made of spongy material i

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Opblaasbare buik
    Inflatable belly

    en stock


    Inflatable belly Need an inflatable belly? This inflatable belly is very handy. A big belly in no time. Just blow it up and the inflatable belly is ready for use. This inflatable belly is ideal for theatre groups. The inflatable...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Nep borsten met BH
    Fake breasts with bra

    en stock


    Funny bra with fake boobs

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Nep bloed gel halloween
    Fake blood gel halloween

    en stock


    Make your Halloween complete with our fake blood gel! This handy bottle contains a special blood gel that is perfect for creating lifelike, bloody wounds. With this blood gel you can quickly and effectively create a gruesomely realistic effect that...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Opblaasbare borsten nep
    Inflatable boobs fake

    en stock


    Inflatable breasts with shoulder straps These inflatable breasts are very popular for bachelor parties. You can inflate the breasts yourself to the desired size. Besides inflatable breasts we also have normal breasts as a dress up set.

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Pinokkio neus
    Pinocchio nose

    en stock


    Long Pinocchio nose for liars This rlong Pinocchio nose for jokers is a beautiful and original party nose for carnival and other parties where you are looking for a special party costume. On this site you will find many more...

  • Sale e-carnavalskleding-SYK Tiara met groot bot
    Big bone tiara

    en stock

    €1,93€1,60 €1,74€1,44

    Nice  diadem with big bone

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Kannibalen juwelen set 5dlg
    Cannibal jewelry set 5 pieces

    en stock


    Beautiful cannibal jewelry set 5pcs

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Maxi nep billen
    Maxi fake buttocks

    en stock


    Original fake buttocks

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Set van nep bebloede vingers
    Set of fake bloody fingers

    en stock


    Creepy set of fake bloody fingers. Content: 10 pieces

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Opblaasbare piemel
    Inflatable penis

    en stock


    Large inflatable penis as decoration This inflatable penis is an example of the many erotic items for all kinds of erotic parties. It will certainly be fun with this large inflatable penis. Especially for erotic dining, hen parties and bachelorette...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Grote oren schooljongen
    Big eared schoolboy

    en stock


    Maxi big ears for carnival These maxi big ears are for carnival and other parties where you are looking for special party accessories. On this site you will find many more party clothes and crazy carnival items. Also take a...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Vampier gebit kinderen
    Vampire teeth children

    en stock


    Vampire teeth children Dracula teeth for Halloween These scary vampire teeth are specially designed for a terrifying Halloween. Whether you plan to scare your friends or just want to create an awesome vampire look, these teeth are the perfect addition...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Grote nep borsten
    Big fake breasts

    en stock


    Original fake breasts 

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Afgehakte nep hand griezel party
    Severed fake hand horror party

    en stock


    Halloween scary severed fake hand  40cm

  • Sale e-carnavalskleding-SYK Bot met haarclip
    Bone with hair clip

    en stock

    €2,42€2,00 €2,18€1,80

    Cute hair clip for the caveman 

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Bloederig hart ingepakt
    Bloody heart wrapped

    en stock


    Halloween decoration lifelike heart packed on a plate. This scary bowl with lifelike fake heart is one of the many Halloween attributes in our large collection of horror items for carnival and Halloween. Anyone who wants to get really scared...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Dikke buik foam
    Fat belly foam

    1 Un

    en stock


    Big belly padding Need a big belly and don't have one? With this big belly it's a piece of cake. Ideal for theatre groups. Have you also seen the inflatable belly? You can blow it up to the desired thickness....

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Nep Borsten normaal foam
    Fake Breasts normal foam

    en stock


    Adult breast foam Beautiful foam breasts for men and women. These foam breasts are often ordered for a bachelor party. The foam breasts are ideal for playing a prank on one of your friends. Have you also looked at the...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Nep billen met slipje
    Fake buttocks with panties

    en stock


    Original fake buttocks with blue panties

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Kin masker schedel skelet metallic zilver
    Chin mask skull skeleton metallic silver

    en stock


    Nice creepy lower jaw for creeps This scary lower jaw mask is one of the many Halloween masks in our large collection of face masks for carnival and Halloween. If you want to get scared, you can't do without these...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Afgehakte hand 4 vingers met bloed
    Severed hand 4 fingers with blood

    en stock


    Severed Hand 4 Fingers for Halloween Severed hand decoration for halloween. Have you seen the other severed limbs? For great halloween dresses, halloween costumes and horror accessories like this real severed hand you are in the right place in this...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Bloederige hersenen deco
    Bloody brain deco

    en stock


    Creepy decoration bloody brains. Dimensions 14 x 10 x 8 CM

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Hersenen met bloed ingepakt
    Brain encased in blood

    en stock


    Durf jij je vrienden de stuipen op het lijf te jagen? Deze bloederige hersenen zijn perfect voor Halloween of een griezelfeest. Laat iedereen versteld staan! Kenmerken Realistisch ontwerp Bloederig effect Perfect voor Halloween Maak indruk! Met deze hersenen steel je...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Borstkas sixpack Kind
    Chest six pack Child

    en stock


    Transformeer je kleine feestbeest in een mini-spierbundel met de Borstkas Sixpack Kind! Perfect voor carnaval of een verkleedfeestje. Laat de pret beginnen! Kenmerken Realistisch sixpack design Comfortabel en lichtgewicht Geschikt voor kinderen Word de ster van het feest! Met deze...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Heksen set compleet
    Witches set complete

    en stock


    Complete scary witch set includes: witch hat witch nose witches chin witches fingers

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Nep darmen voor zombie dokter
    Fake intestines for zombie doctor

    en stock


    Fake intestines for zombie doctor Bring a spooky atmosphere to your next party with our fake zombie doctor intestines. These terrifying artificial intestines are perfect for any spooky occasion and are sure to leave a lasting impression on your guests....

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Gespierde borst sixpack
    Muscular chest six pack

    en stock


    Super muscular chest for carnival Don't feel like going to the gym but do want a muscular body. Then this fake muscular chest might be a solution for you. This muscular chest plate is worn under your blouse so that...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Vagina fluit
    Vagina whistles

    en stock


    Vagina shaped whistles These vagina whistles are an example of the many erotic items for all kinds of erotic parties. It will definitely be fun with these  vagina whistles in the mouth. Especially for erotic dining, hen parties and bachelorette...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Kom met oogballen
    Come with eyeballs

    en stock


    Creepy bowl with eyeballs with blood splatters 19cm

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Skelet Benny decoratief
    Skeleton Benny decorative

    en stock


    Hanging skeleton for carnival and Halloween These scary hanging skeletons are for carnival, Halloween and other parties where you are looking for special party horror accessories. On this site you will find many more party clothes and scary carnival items....

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Nep onderarm afgehakt decoratie
    Fake forearm severed decoration

    en stock


    Severed Forearm Decoration for Halloween Severed forearm for decoration. Have you seen the other limbs? For great Halloween dresses, Halloween costumes and horror accessories like this real severed arm, you are in the right place in this Zombie basement full...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Vampiertanden glow in the dark
    Vampire teeth glow in the dark

    en stock


    Glowing Vampire Teeth Halloween These light up teeth for vampires are especially for people who want to scare the living daylights out of others at Halloween. You can dress up this beautiful Halloween costume with the many Halloween accessories on...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Nep borsten met schort
    Fake breasts with apron

    1 Un

    en stock


    Original fake breasts with apron

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Nep afgehakte voet decoratie
    Fake severed foot decoration

    en stock


    Severed foot decorative for Halloween Severed foot decorative for Halloween. With this fake severed foot decorative it becomes  get spooky with the Halloween ghost tour. Also take a look at the other body parts. For great Halloween dresses, Halloween costumes...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Opblaasbare borsten en billen
    Inflatable breasts and buttocks

    en stock


    Beautiful inflatable breasts and buttocks These inflatable breasts and buttocks are very popular for bachelor parties. You can inflate the breasts and buttocks yourself to the desired size. Besides inflatable breasts we also have normal breasts as a dress up...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Opblaasbare hand voor carnaval
    Inflatable hand for carnival

    en stock


    Inflatable hand

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Nep arm afgehakt met bloed
    Fake arm cut off with blood

    en stock


    Severed arm decoration for Halloween Severed arm to decorate your Halloween party. This severed arm is very scary. Have you seen the other severed limbs? For great Halloween dresses, Halloween costumes and horror accessories such as this real severed arm,...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Heksen neus
    Witches nose

    en stock


    Creepy witch nose

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Hangend geraamte decoratie glow in the dark 150cm
    Hanging frame decoration glow in the dark 150cm

    en stock


    Decorative hanging frame glow in the dark of 150cm

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Grote oren nep
    Big fake ears

    en stock



  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Gespierd shirt six pack heren
    Muscular shirt six pack men

    en stock


    Sixpack t-shirt or block shirt Without doing any sports or fitness you already have abs. Show everyone your sports body with this sixpack shirt and seduce all women.

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Hand Thing wednesday
    Hand Thing

    en stock



  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Muts met nep open hersenen
    Hat with fake open brain

    en stock


    Scary hat with fake open brains. Hat is made of foam.

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Nep oren in een kommetje
    Fake ears in a cup

    en stock


    Creepy fake ears in a 19cm bowl

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Nep bot holbewoner
    Fake bone caveman

    en stock


    Fake Human Bone for Caveman Suits This scary fake human bone is fun as an accessory for the caveman costumes. On this site you will find many more scary bones, skulls and other body parts for Halloween and Carnival. 

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Minnie Mouse neus in zwart
    Minnie Mouse nose in black

    en stock


    Black nose for Minnie or Mickey Black foam nose of approximately 5 cm in one size fis all. This black foam nose completes your carnival costume.

Amputated Body Parts for Halloween and Party

Don't be scared, This is our morgue. Here lie amputated legs and arms, gouged out eyes and brains in a preserving jar. Beautiful horror and Halloween accessories . Enjoy the most horrible and bloody wounds and body parts.

A haunted house full of human remains for Halloween

The fun thing about Halloween is that anything goes when it comes to horror. After all, it's just a game and not real. Thank goodness. Anyone who sees the Halloween attributes on this horror site might think that this is real. Here you will find the torn off arms, amputated legs, gouged out eyes and even brains of people in formaldehyde. If that's not crazy enough, you can also find torn off feet and amputated hands in this horror shop. A dead loose finger is just child's play. It should be clear that everything is covered in blood. Loose artificial blood in a bottle can also be found here. Skinned bodies to hang up. Decapitated heads of people as Halloween decoration. How about human skulls with or without light. There are also women's breasts and a loose penis and loose vagina to be found here. There are even penis key rings and vagina key rings as gadgets. In any case, you will find all kinds of intimate body parts on this site.

From gouged out eyes to brains preserved in formaldehyde

Horror accessories simply cannot be missed at a Halloween party where the blood has to splatter. For example, put your head in a thick bandage with fake blood. The same can be done with a sturdy white bandage with blood around your arm, making you look seriously injured. That is nothing compared to the meat dishes with human remains such as a fake human heart, a human brain in a jar, yes, even a penis in a jar can be found among all those amputated body parts and torn off fake limbs. Bare butts with and without wounds, eyeballs that have been pulled out of the eye socket and eyes in a jar to really get a good fright. The legs amputated to the knees full of blood are deadly scary. Just as much as the severed head that you can put somewhere as a Halloween decoration. You need a strong stomach to be able to handle this. Fortunately, it is not all real.

A Halloween party with the scariest amputated limbs

A pair of feet on a chain from the ceiling will make an impression, a vagina in a jar will make you laugh. We could go on like this for a while. If you are looking for the scariest Horror accessories that have to do with the human body, take a look around here. Of course, you can also use these loose body parts for bachelor parties. Especially the erotic body parts will make an impression if you play pranks with them.

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