If you are looking for a fake axe, we have different types in our collection. If you already know exactly what kind of fake axe you want to buy, you may not need any advice. If you would still like some advice, you can find more information about the fake axes that are sold here. That way you can be sure that you are buying the right type. Take a look below at the methods you can contact us, then you can be sure that you will have the fake axe in your home on time.
What fake axes are for sale?
Let it be known that we only sell plastic fake axes that are used purely and exclusively for a Halloween party. In this setting it is allowed to scare someone every now and then, but even then as long as it remains fun. Leave everyone else alone who is not at the party or who is not waiting for it. This way we make the Halloween party fun for everyone. We have different types of axes for your Halloween costume . For example, you can choose a single axe or a double axe. The double axe is a version that has a striking edge on both sides. All these fake axes are made of plastic. In some cases you can even buy them with a divisible stick. This way you can easily store or take them with you. This is also very handy for transport and storage, for example. Think about going to the Halloween party by bike or car and you have a fake axe that is not divisible. Then you walk or drive with a reach of at least one meter or more. That is anything but ideal, which is why the fake axes are also available in divisible versions.
What other items are there instead of the fake axe?
There are several other types that you can buy. Of course, you don't have to go out with just a fake axe. We also have other cool Halloween weapons . With these, you can buy even more awesome items. For example, have you seen the butcher knife with blood ? All these items are also made of plastic and therefore very suitable for a Halloween party. Take a look around at the different options that we can offer you. Don't forget to also buy a fake axe.
Do you have any questions about the types of fake axes or the delivery time of a specific model? Feel free to contact us so that you can get all your questions answered immediately. Nothing is more annoying than having to wait for the order and then, while unpacking or testing, coming to the conclusion that the item does not meet expectations. This also results in a cost item, namely returning. So ask all your questions about the fake axe so that you are sure of the purchase!