Halloween wigs

Alle producten (151)

  • Vue

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Cruella pruik lang zwart wit haar
    Cruella wig long black and white hair

    en stock


    Witch wig black and white for Halloween

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Pruik extra lang haar klassiek in blond
    Wig extra long hair classic in blonde

    en stock


    Beautiful blonde wig classic extra long hair

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Kinder Pruik Vlammend Vuur
    Children's Wig Flaming Fire

    en stock


    Rough Flame wig Halloween for kids in orange red. Perfect for your devil costume or dress. 

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Zwart witte pruik Cruella
    Black and white wig Cruella

    en stock


    Cute black and white wig Cruella

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Tovenaar pruik Merlijn wit
    Wizard wig Merlin white

    en stock


    Wizard wig with beard Wizard wig Merlin with beard like this you don't see often. This Merlin the wizard wig is very special. These white wizard party wigs are of good quality and very nicely finished. With this wizard wig...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Pruik lang zwart zonder ponny
    Long black wig without bangs

    en stock


    Beautiful black  Long wig without bangs

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Zombie pruik Jill dames grijs lang haar
    Zombie wig Jill ladies gray long hair

    en stock


    Zombie wig Jill Zombie wig Jill is a wig with long hair in the color gray. This zombie wig for women is very nice for a zombie suit. Will we see you next Halloween party with this zombie wig? In...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Heksenpruik spinnen dame grijs
    Witch wig spider lady gray

    en stock


    Witch wig with gray wavy hair spiders Witch wig with gray wavy hair spiders for women. These beautiful ladies  Halloween wig is often used with our witch dresses, but you can of course combine this wig with many carnival creations....

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Heksen pruik zwart met wit
    Witches wig black with white

    en stock


    Mortisia Vampire Wig for Halloween Witch wigs or vampire wigs like this are not often seen. This witch wig Mortisia is therefore very special. These scary witch party wigs are of good quality and very nicely finished. With these witch...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Pruik extra lang haar klassiek in zwart
    Wig extra long hair classic in black

    en stock


    Beautiful black wig classic extra long hair

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Heksenpruik grijze krullen
    Witch wig gray curls

    en stock


    Wig of enchanted witch with curls This enchanted witch wig in grey tones with curls is a party wig from the large collection of party items that you can find in this online party shop. In addition to this grey...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Heksen pruik Crudelia grijs
    Witches wig Crudelia gray

    en stock


    Witches wig Crudelia for Halloween Witch wigs like this are not often seen. This witch wig Crudelia is therefore very special. These scary witch party wigs are of good quality and very nicely finished. With these witch wigs you are...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Duivel pruik lang met hoorntjes
    Devil wig long with horns

    en stock


    Red devil wig for women Beautiful long red devil wig for women. This long red devil wig is very beautiful with a devil dress or a devil costume. The party wig will give you a beautiful appearance. Do not forget...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Zombie pruik Ves wilde haren
    Zombie wig Ves wild hair

    en stock


    Zombie Wig Ves Zombie wig Ves is a zombie wig for adults that is worn by men and women. This zombie wig completes your zombie costume. The wig is in shades of gray. In addition to this zombie wig, you...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Heksen pruik kind Emma
    Witches wig child Emma

    en stock


    Beautiful carnival wigs for children in all shapes and sizes you will find here. This is a witch wig with long gray black hair, of high quality for children. Elsewhere in this online carnival shop you will find many other...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Pruik wilde duivel rood
    Wig wild devil red

    en stock


    Creepy Wig Wild Devil Red

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Pruik Evil joker lang haar
    Wig Evil joker long hair

    en stock


    Original wig  Evil joker long hair

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Duivel pruik Diablo
    Devil wig Diablo

    en stock


    Devilish Wig for Adults Beautiful devil wig for adults. This red devil wig for adults looks great with a devil suit or a deviles suit. Our collection of carnival items includes many different devil wigs. Also take a look at...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Cruella pruik zwart wit
    Cruella wig black and white

    en stock


    Black and white vampire wig for Halloween Vampire wigs like this are not often seen. This vampire wig is therefore very special. This scary vampire  party wigs are of good quality and very nicely finished. With these vampire wigs or...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Grijze pruik Anna lang haar
    Gray wig Anna long hair

    en stock


    Gray wig Anna in long hair includes the gray wig 

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Pruik extra lang haar klassiek in bruin
    Wig extra long hair classic in brown

    en stock


    Beautiful brown wig classic extra long hair

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Punk rocker pruik grijs zwart
    Punk rocker wig gray black

    en stock


    Punk girl party wig for carnival What is more fun than a wig that really changes your appearance. With this party wig Punk girl you will certainly succeed. Our party wigs are all beautiful but also fire-retardant impregnated so that...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Witte pruik halflang haar Cosplay Noemi
    White wig medium hair Cosplay Noemi

    en stock


    Beautiful white ladies wig half long hair Cosplay Noemi

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Zwart grijze skelet pruik dames
    Black gray skeleton wig ladies

    en stock


    Skeleton wig to go with your skeleton jumpsuit for Halloween Beautiful skeleton wig ladies. This wig can also be used as a witch wig or vampire wig. These scary Halloween wigs should not be missing from your bloodcurdling Halloween party...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Blonde heksen pruik Morgana
    Blonde witch wig Morgana

    en stock


    Long Blonde Witch Hair Wig for Halloween These are scary long blonde witch wigs with long hair. These special witch wigs for carnival are really super fun and safe to use. These shrew wigs for women are available in different...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Pruik lang haar Cosplay  Kayla
    Wig long hair Cosplay Kayla

    en stock


    Beautiful red wig long hair Cosplay Kayla

  • Sale e-carnavalskleding-SYK Pruik sexy Holly zwart met rood
    Wig sexy Holly black with red

    en stock

    €8,42€6,96 -9% -9%

    Beautiful wig sexy Holly black with red highlights

  • Sale e-carnavalskleding-SYK Heksenpruik zwart met grijze lokken
    Black witch wig with gray locks

    en stock

    €9,62€7,95 -9% -9%

    Black witch wig  long hair with gray highlights

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Zwart witte boblijn pruiken
    Black and white bob wigs

    en stock


    Nice black and white bob line wig Steffie

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Heksenpruik Evelicious grijs zwart
    Witch wig Evelicious gray black

    en stock


    Gray Witch Wig Evelicious This enchanted witch wig in grey with black shades and curls is a party wig from the large collection of party items that you can find in this online party shop. In addition to this grey...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Zombie Dracula pruik grijze haren
    Zombie Dracula wig gray hair

    en stock


    Beautiful gray zombie wig Beautiful grey zombie wig for men. Beautiful grey zombie wig can also be combined with a Dracula costume. In addition to this zombie wig, you will find many other fun carnival clothing accessories and scary Halloween...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Pruik, Heks Met Paarse Strepen Kind
    Wig, Witch With Purple Stripes Child

    en stock


    Witch wig in black with purple for girls

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Pruik bloedlustige vampier
    Bloodlust vampire wig

    en stock


    Halloween wig women bloodthirsty Vampire in black with red

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Vampier pruik zwart met witte strepen
    Vampire wig black with white stripes

    en stock


    Vampire wig with slicked back hair This vicious vampire wig has black hair combed back, which makes this wig look really mean. The silver-white hair streaks make for an even scarier effect. With this Dracula wig you will definitely make...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Pruik popster king of pop
    Wig pop star king of pop

    en stock


    Devil Wig Diva for devils Devilish party wig Diva for devils. This beautiful party wig for devils fits perfectly with the many devilish dresses for Halloween on this Halloween clothing site. These devil wigs are all fire-resistant impregnated and therefore...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Pruik vampier grijs lang haar
    Wig vampire gray long hair

    en stock


    Wig vampire gray long hair Victorian Vampire Wig for Halloween This men's and women's wig for Victorian vampires is especially for people who want to scare others with Halloween. With this wig you are assured of an impressive look that...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Vampier pruik dames zwart recht
    Vampire wig ladies black straight

    en stock


    Gorgeous Vampire Wigs for Halloween Beautiful black vampire wig for women. This vampire wig makes your vampire outfit complete. Vampire wigs and Dracula wigs are really fun for a complete Halloween party outfit.

  • Sale e-carnavalskleding-SYK Heksenpruik met paarse lokken
    Witch wig with purple locks

    en stock

    €9,62€7,95 -9% -9%

    Witch wig black long hair with purple highlights

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Zwart rode boblijn pruiken
    Black red bob wigs

    en stock


    Nice red black bob line wig Steffie

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Pruik, Patsy Neon Groene Strepen
    Wig, Patsy Neon Green Stripes

    en stock


    Black wig with neon green highlights

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Pruik Ozzy Osbourne
    Wig Ozzy Osbourne

    en stock


    Ozzy Osbourne Shaggy Wig

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Voodoo pruik
    Voodoo wig

    en stock


    Voodoo Wigs for Halloween This enchanted  Voodoo wig in long straight hair is a party wig from the large collection of party items that you can find in this online party shop. In addition to this scary Voodoo wig, there...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Pruik Maud in zwart met grijs
    Wig Maud in black with gray

    en stock


    Beautiful wig Maud long hair in the color black and gray. Fits nicely with the witch dress or vampire costume

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Zwarte hoge pruik gotiek
    Black high wig gothic

    en stock


    Beautiful black Baroque wig

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Zombie Dracula pruik groen
    Zombie Dracula wig green

    en stock


    Beautiful green zombie wig Beautiful green zombie wig with shades of gray. Beautiful Halloween wig that matches the zombie doctor or Dracula. In addition to this zombie wig, you will find many other fun carnival clothing accessories and scary Halloween...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Groen zwarte Halloween pruiken
    Green black Halloween wigs

    en stock


    Green Black Halloween Wigs Create the perfect Halloween atmosphere with our scary green black wig. This wig is specially designed to give your look a terrifying twist, making you the star of any Halloween party. Features Unique design: The combination...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Vampier pruik heren grijs
    Vampire wig men's gray

    en stock


    Roel's Vampire Wig for Halloween Vampire wigs like this are not often seen. This Vampire wig roel is therefore very special. These scary Dracula party wigs are of good quality and very nicely finished. With these men's vampire wigs you...

  • e-carnavalskleding-SYK Vampieren pruik rood zwart
    Vampire wig red black

    en stock


    Beautiful Vampire wig red black

If you are looking for matching Halloween wigs for your Halloween outfit, then you should definitely browse around in this wig shop. A beautiful or scary wig completely changes your appearance. People who wear a crazy, scary or fantasy rich wig are often not immediately recognizable even by family and friends. With the Halloween wig that you find on this site, you can make your Halloween outfit completely up to date. Because there are so many different Halloween costume themes, there are also many different types of Halloween wigs and hairpieces. The wigs are available in all types, colors, lengths and with or without decorations in the hair. So a wide choice to quickly succeed for the Halloween wig that matches your outfit.

Halloween is the new holiday of the future

You will probably have noticed that Halloween has become so popular in recent years. In the past, Halloween was mainly a scary party that was celebrated in England and America. For a number of years now, Halloween parties have also been held everywhere in Belgium and the Netherlands in the last week of October. Fun, right? Of course, you can't go to a Halloween party in your regular clothes. At the very least, you are expected to dress as scary as possible. It doesn't matter whether you dress up as a Zombie, Skeleton, Darucula, witch or ghost. There is only one thing that is important with Halloween, that it has to be funny and above all a little scary. We are happy to help you get dressed up with our large stock of Halloween clothing and the Halloween wig offered here.

A selection from our Halloween wig selection

Well here we go, what types of Halloween wigs can you find here. We have the typical Dracula wig, mostly sooty black straight hair. There is the Zombie wig. usually gray in color and nice and thin in the hair. The Witch wig on the other hand is a hell of a full wig for Halloween. The hair shades vary from black to light gray. It just depends on what you want. The shrew wig is a bit more eccentric, often with high pinned up hair with spider webs woven into it. Pierlala death has to make do with a bald head with here and there a strand of gray hair. In short, if you are looking for a specific Halloween wig then you will definitely find it here. Have fun finding more Halloween wigs or just one is of course also possible.

Different types of Halloween items

In addition to the Halloween wigs, we also have other party items for this fun party. For example, we have specialHalloween make-up , so that if you wear a wig and are also made up, you will look beautiful. Beautiful in the sense that you will really scare people. We also have Halloween masks if you are not into the other kind. This will make you scary in an instant! So don't worry, we have enough items in addition to our Halloween wigs.


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