Cute gnome costume and dwarf costumes for adults
If you are looking for a nice fairy tale costume, then definitely also take a look at the gnome costumes and dwarf costumes on this site. Gnomes and dwarfs are perhaps the most well-known fairy tale characters. Gnomes are also always very helpful creatures. Just think of the fairy tale of Snow White with the seven dwarfs where the dwarfs take care of Snow White. In fairy tales, gnomes live in mushrooms. You know them, those red mushrooms with white dots. In the fairy tale forest at the Efteling, there is also music coming from those mushrooms.
Gnome suits are not complete without gnome beards
A beautifully colored gnome suit or dwarf costume cannot do without a brightly colored pointed hat and a long white beard. All gnome hats you can think of can be found on this site. In addition, there is an extensive collection of gnome beards to be found on this fairytale gnome site. A beard is an essential part of your gnome suit. Then you are not that gnome who lives in a mushroom. For a gnome suit it is also important that you order a pickaxe. A pickaxe is the axe that a gnome always carries with him. Do you not know the movie Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs. In this movie the gnomes, also called el dwarfs, carry a pickaxe with them to plow the land and to clear the road every now and then. You can find the pickaxe among the fake weapons on the site.
Mushroom hats for gnome suits
Real gnomes live in mushrooms. Especially for those gnomes there are mushroom hats in red with white dots so that gnomes can always feel at home. So if you are looking for gnome suits, take a look around in this colorful gnome wardrobe full of gnome suits.