If you are looking for a Marilyn Monroe wig for a party. We have different types in our collection. Beforehand, it is useful to find out who Marilyn Monroe is. If you are sure that you want to dress up like that, you can watch videos to practice her manners and songs. That way, you can go out as a real Marilyn Monroe.
How did Marilyn Monroe wear her hair?
If you have found a nice Marilyn Monroe dress , you will of course also want the hair to be as Marilyn had it. If you have medium-length blonde hair, you can perhaps style the hair yourself so that you become a real Marilyn Monroe. If you do not have this color or you do not have this length, there are beautiful Marilyn Monroe wigs for sale. With a Marilyn Monroe wig, you can dress up as this star from the 50s in no time.
Marilyn Monroe Wig Maintenance
If you have found a nice one, you would like to know how to handle this Marilyn Monroe wig. You can use these carnival wigs as you normally would. We do advise you to buy a hairnet for wigs under this Marilyn Monroe wig. This way, your hair will stay nicely under the Marilyn Monroe wig. In many cases, you can wash the Marilyn Monroe wig by hand. After use, you can rinse it by hand so that you have a clean and beautiful Marilyn Monroe wig the next time. If you have any questions about maintenance or another question about these products, we would like to hear from you. We will then help you immediately so that you can buy a cheap Marilyn Monroe wig.