For a bad party, we have a nice assortment of bad leggings ready for you. The badder the legging, the better. After all, it is the theme of the party to dress up as bad as possible. What types of bad leggings can I buy? Which legging is the baddest? These are various questions that our customer service gets when someone is looking to buy bad clothing .
What bad leggings can I buy?
If you need a pair of bad leggings, you can choose from different options. Most of the bad leggings that we sell are made in one color. For example, the neon leggings in bright colors such as pink, orange and yellow are very bad to wear. If you prefer a color combination, you can buy the panther legging in bright colors. This is one of the most bad leggings that we sell. You can combine these nicely with beautiful disco clothing . The more colors there are in the bad leggings, the easier it will match the rest of the outfit. Although it is of course also true that if it does not match the other clothing items, it is even worse. Make the craziest combinations yourself and you can turn the bad party upside down. Are you still looking for something to turn upside down? Then a bad wig is not a mismatch with the rest of your outfit.
Delivery time of the incorrect installation
When placing an order, you always want to know when something will arrive. You are always curious about what you have ordered. We have a clear delivery time for each product on the site, including the wrong leggings. As soon as you have placed the desired number in the shopping cart, the calendar starts running. Then the delivery day appears. This way you know when you can expect the postman with the order of your wrong leggings.