Are you going to dress up as a beautiful lady-in-waiting and are you looking for a Marie Antoinette wig? Then we can certainly help you. We have different types of Marie Antoinette wigs, so there is a difference in the length of the wig but in the color and the type of hairstyle. So if you are looking for a specific wig, then we certainly have it for you.
Marie Antoinette wig
We will highlight some wigs below so that you have a clear description. We start with the Marie-Antoinette wig with crown, this beautiful wig can be worn in two ways. The ponytails on both sides are braided. You can just let them hang down but you can also put them up so that you have an even fuller wig. This blond, white, yellowish wig is a super beautiful item that fits with a beautiful court ball costume . Another wig that we sell is the Versailles wig. This is available in multiple colors. The wig has a high build and a ponytail on the side. There is a beautiful black bow with it. It is a curly Marie-Antoinette wig. This in combination with a pearl necklace and you are almost ready! Of course we have many other Marie-Antoinette wigs on our website so feel free to look around! Do you have any questions about the wigs? Please feel free to contact us.
Customer service
You can contact us in different ways. For example, you can send us an email to But you can also give us a call. We can be reached by phone on weekdays from 9:30 - 12:30 and 13:30 - 16:30. On Fridays we can be reached until 12:30. Nowadays we can also be reached via Whatsapp. So are you sitting comfortably on the couch on your mobile visiting our website and do you have a question ask him easily and quickly! So are you still in doubt about a Marie-Antoinette wig and do you need advice?