A pirate without a pirate beard is not a real pirate. That is why we have different types on offer in our party shop. With these you can transform yourself into a real pirate with a pirate beard of course. Are you also curious about how these pirate beards will suit you? Then take a look and let your imagination run wild. We have enough choice for everyone.
What is the difference between the pirate beards?
If you want to order a pirate beard for a pirate suit , it is useful to read up on it in advance and orient yourself on what is available on the market. First you have to decide which color pirate beard you would like to buy. We have pirate beards in white, black, brown and gray. After you have determined the right color, now comes the choice about the length and structure of the beard. There are short pirate beards for sale but also very long ones. Depending on the moment and your suit, you have to decide which will fit best. It is a bit more difficult to drink with a long pirate beard. After you have determined the length, there are still a few left. Then it is useful to look at the structure. There are straight pirate beards but also beautiful types with curls. This way you have the choice of many different fake beards . Are you also already a bit in the pirate atmosphere?
What goes with a pirate beard?
Of course, you are not yet a pirate if you have glued on or put on a beard. A suit is of course one of the many items that provides 80% of your look. Then there are various pirate accessories that you need. We often sell a pirate hat and a pirate eye patch with a pirate beard. Then you can choose to buy one of the many defense items such as a pirate sword . If you encounter other pirates, you are at least well prepared for a possible attack. If you need help choosing one of these items or of course buying a pirate beard, we would like to hear from you.