4 tips to make Easter a great party!

  • , by Martijn
  • 4 min reading time

During Easter, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. The day is dedicated to the story of Nazareth.

Around this holiday, the supermarkets are full of Easter bunnies and Easter eggs. This is because in Dutch tradition it is said that around this time a hare comes with a basket and eggs and hides eggs for the children. This has a mythological origin. The Germanic weather goddess Eostre, arranged the spring every year, but was a day late for the first time. They quickly made sure that it would be spring, but a little bird was injured by the freezing cold. To correct her mistake, she changed the bird into a hare and only at Easter could the bird lay eggs. This is how the Easter Bunny came into being. Easter as we celebrate it now is therefore a combination of this Germanic tradition and the Christian tradition.

This party, which is celebrated exactly 40 days after the last day of Carnival, many Dutch people celebrate with a delicious Easter brunch. But there are many more things you can do during Easter! We give you four fun tips to make your Easter day or several Easter days a big party! Easter is a shame to skip.

Tip 1: DIY (do it yourself)

At Easter you paint your own eggs, of course, but besides the colorful eggs there are many more things you can make yourself. Make an afternoon program of this and craft the most beautiful Easter decorations for brunch, for example. Nothing is cozier than eating at a beautifully set table with homemade decorations. For example, decorate plates, cups and nice take-away bags. And don't forget to decorate your eggs. You can also do this in a different way this year. Don't just get started with paint, but also go for paper, glitter, stickers and other fun craft materials.

Tip 2: Hide eggs

The best thing about Easter for children is hiding and searching for Easter eggs. This activity can be made into an afternoon-filling program. Dress up asthe Easter Bunny , with an Easter Bunny head , ears and mask and hide the eggs in the garden. You can of course also go to another location, such as the forest, the playground or even the dunes. Then have a nice lunch with the children in a nice beach bar or pancake house and make hiding eggs a big party! If you are going to hide Easter eggs, we do have a few tips for you; count the eggs in advance so that you are sure that you have found all the eggs. Also, distribute the eggs as evenly as possible, this way you keep an overview and you know where the eggs are or in which area the children no longer have to search.

Tip 3: Easter celebration

Because Easter involves an extra day off, more and more people are throwing an Easter party. Easter lends itself to a fun theme party. Throw an Easter theme party! In addition to dressing up as the Easter Bunny, you can also dress up as a carrot or chicken during this fun theme party . You can also dress up as anything that has to do with spring, such as a lamb or a beautiful flower . Of course, there are also the cute and Sexy Bunny costumes. A rabbit may be a little different from a hare, but rabbits are often involved in Easter! Most people will not be able to see the difference between an Easter Bunny costume anda rabbit suit .



Tip 4: Get out

During Easter, various municipalities, companies and organisations organise the best outings. Go out with the kids and visit one of the activities below. For example, there are fun plays, treasure hunts and it is great fun to discover spring with your kids. Pet newborn lambs and feed ducks. Children love animals and games and how easy is it if this is organised for you! Make sure you have good clothes or dress up your little one as a mini Easter bunny or chick and ensure an unforgettable day!

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