Everything you need to know about Pride Amsterdam

  • , by Bjorn
  • 2 min reading time

In a few days it will be time again: Pride Amsterdam. In 2019 the rainbow flag will fly from 27 July to 4 August. During Pride Amsterdam the streets of Amsterdam will be coloured in the colours of the rainbow for equal rights and emancipation of the LGBT community. But how exactly did Pride Amsterdam come about and what does it entail? We will explain it to you in this blog.

History of Pride

Shortly after the eviction of the gay bar The Stonewall Inn in New York, riots broke out. The riots were caused by visitors to the bar deciding to publicly protest against police violence. A year after the riots, the world's first Pride Parade was held in New York in memory.

Seven years after the Stonewall riots, the first major demonstration took place in the Netherlands. It was organized by the International Lesbian Alliance. This annual event, called Pink Saturday since 1979, takes place in a different city each year.

The Amsterdam Pride is, in contrast to Pink Saturday and the Stonewall demonstrations, a party. This party is organized by gay hospitality entrepreneurs united in GBA. By organizing this party, they want to put Amsterdam on the map as a gay nightlife city and celebrate the freedom and diversity of the city.

Many years later, emancipatory content has been added to Pride and the festival has grown from a one-day event to an internationally renowned LGBT festival that expresses the diversity of the LGBT community with sports, art and culture, pink church services, events in various Amsterdam districts and Lesbian, Senior and Trans Pride.

Pride Amsterdam

Pride Amsterdam is a festival to celebrate that you can be who you are and love who you want. The LGBTs (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) set the standard for one weekend a year. Everyone wears pink and you see rainbow flags everywhere in the city . The fact that this party can be celebrated so openly and together with everyone in the Netherlands makes Pride Amsterdam the largest Pride in the world. Even much larger than Prides in New York, Madrid and São Paulo.

The rainbow flag

Therainbow flag is a symbol of tolerance and the gay movement. The flag indicates that everyone is allowed to love and that everyone cares about each other. Everyone wants to live in a world with peace, right? The flag was designed by Gilbert Baker for the Gay Pride of 1978 in San Francisco. Each color in the rainbow flag has its own meaning.

  • Pink: sex
  • Red: life
  • Orange: healing power
  • Yellow: sunlight
  • Green: nature
  • Turquoise: magic
  • Blue: serenity
  • Purple: character

Are you going there too? Order your Gay Pride clothing here ! We want to wish everyone who is going to Pride Amsterdam a lot of fun.

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