Belgians party more than Dutch

  • , by Paul
  • 1 min reading time

Belgians party more than the Dutch. Burgundian attitude can be measured by the purchasing behaviour of Belgian customers

Burgundian Belgium

What has been suspected for a long time is no longer a secret for our online party shop. Belgian surfers are much more often than Dutch people looking for a nice party costume.

We also notice very strongly that Belgians who call our party shop are really consciously looking for an original costume. Curiously, we ask for which occasion this is needed. Strikingly often we hear that it concerns a neighborhood party or party in the street.

For the people at our call centre it is always a pleasure to put together the right party outfit with Belgian partygoers. There is a lot of laughing before making the right choice.

The Dutch, with some exceptions, are often more businesslike in this respect. They clearly spend less time looking for the right party outfit and matching party accessories.

In short, we Dutch can learn a lot from our southern neighbors when it comes to parties. We at e-carnavalskleding like the fact that we can get to know the different cultures better through our product.

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