Congratulations bachelor and master students!

  • , by Maurice
  • 1 min reading time

After years of eating poorly, going out until you couldn't crawl anymore, sitting in college hungover and stressing about deadlines, the time has finally come.

You have submitted your thesis and you have graduated ! Congratulations!

Many students nowadays do not only go for their bachelor's degree but also add one or more master's studies afterwards. This is often a combination of not wanting to work yet, a field with few jobs or more interest in a certain specialization. Due to the adjustments in the loan system, it is increasingly difficult for many students to continue studying, as the costs for following follow-up studies are higher than before. It is therefore good to see that students are becoming more serious about choosing and following their bachelor's and master's programs.

 Job, travel or traineeships? 

After graduation or even during graduation, students look for a job to start their career. Where it is almost common to travel for half a year or a year after high school or even between a bachelor's and master's degree, this hardly ever happens after completing the entire study. Nowadays, many students opt for traineeships. In this, they are hired to work for a year and be trained within a company. In this way, they not only gain knowledge, there is also a good chance that they will be offered a permanent job afterwards.


But right after graduation, the most important thing is to celebrate the completion of your studies! Graduation parties are wonderful parties where you can invite friends and family to celebrate that you never have to go to college or exams again. Enjoy the fact that on this evening or evenings you can let go of all the stress of the past few weeks. You are really completely done! And that is also scary, especially if you do not yet know exactly what you are going to do next or are not sure whether you can find a job. So celebrate it properly, put on a beautiful graduation sash and a beautiful real graduation hat !

Congratulations again from the entire e-Carnavalskleding team!

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