Congratulations, you passed!

  • , by Maurice
  • 2 min reading time

After an exciting period of waiting, high school students finally got the redeeming word last week; they graduated! This concludes their high school career of four, five or six years.

The results will also include students who are told that they have failed. If a subject has not been passed, there is nothing wrong, students can retake this subject in June. It is even allowed to have two subjects with a 4 and 5 on your final list, provided that the rest of your final grades are a 6 or higher. With more than three fails on the final list, it becomes a problem.

For many resit students it is a difficult period in which their friends are already partying but they still have to keep going. However, the relief after passing their final exams is even greater and they can also throw a nice exam party!

Organizing a graduation party

A graduation party is not only meant for your friends but also for your family. Your parents had to drag you through this exciting period. Maybe they had to force you to get your books. At a graduation party they can finally relax because this part of your life is over.

Celebrating a graduation party is of course a lot of fun. To prevent your graduation class from having a party every day of the summer holidays, it might be a nice idea to celebrate the party together with friends. Especially if you all have the same friends, it is an easy way to save money, and it also ensures that more people are present. If all your friends throw separate parties, you might have to choose between one friend and another, that would be a shame!

If you have a large garden, there is nothing better than celebrating your graduation party at home. Organize a BBQ on a nice day and some drinks, you hardly need anything else. Also think of a box or installation for music and your party can only be a success.

Is rain forecast for the night of your party? See if you can borrow some umbrellas from friends or family. Especially on a warm day, a short rain shower shouldn't spoil your party.

Don't forget to make sure you have a nice outfit for your graduation party ! There are not many chances that you too can finally wear a nice graduated hat or a nice sash with graduated on it.

Enjoy your carefree summer, your final exam holiday and congratulations again!

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