The end of the year is in sight again!

  • , by Martijn
  • 2 min reading time

Every New Year's Eve celebration is a special moment. You close a year. If it was a good year, you close 2017 satisfied. Was it a bad year? Fortunately, it is almost 2018 and you have more than enough time to make it a great year!

The good intentions
For many people, the end of 2017 is also an opportunity to draw up a list of good intentions. Some people are better at this than others. Good intentions are only useful if you can carry them out. Quitting smoking is a recurring theme for many people, so make sure that 2018 is the year in which you succeed! Live healthier? Maybe don't go for that gym membership again, but do a sport that you really enjoy with friends. A different job? Start writing your CV right away!

House party or a big organized party?

Every year the big question is, are we going to a big party where everything is already arranged or are we going from house party to house party? New Year's Eve is the time to be together with your family and/or friends. It is also fun to go somewhere with a large group. For example, you can watch the fireworks together for an hour at 12 o'clock, eat oliebollen and drink champagne, after which you go into town together to spend hours in your local pub. Do know that New Year's Eve is one of the busiest days of the year, so buy your tickets quickly!

The outfit

Well, that's a tough one. What do you wear on New Year's Eve? Some people will pull out a gala dress and a suit, while for others a neat blouse or a skirt will do. Especially on an emotional day for many people, such as New Year's Eve, you just have to wear something that makes you feel good! You'll work off the extra pounds from the holidays in January. Finish this outfit off nicely with 2018 glitter party glasses and a colorful boa .

Increasing need for fireworks installations
We are seeing more and more people going to big fireworks shows instead of buying their own fireworks. The big advantage of this is that, if this trend continues, we will have fewer and fewer fireworks victims. Half of the people injured each year do not even set off the fireworks themselves, but get into trouble because of fireworks waste or fireworks that were not set off properly!

In addition, it makes perfect sense that people go to these shows, counting down together and watching the fireworks is also very enjoyable. You know that professionals have put together the show and it is more spectacular than the firework where you can't light the fuse, after which your bottle falls over and you all have to run inside.

We wish you all the best for 2018! Shop for fun party supplies for your New Year's Eve 2018 outfit at e-Carnavalskleding!

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