How do you organize the perfect Christmas party?

  • , by Martijn
  • 2 min reading time

We are back in the cold, dark, but cozy month of December and Christmas is just around the corner! This means that the Christmas tree, Christmas decorations and Christmas balls are being taken down from the attic. The time of year when Mariah Carey's Merry Christmas is played non-stop on the radio. And we can prepare ourselves again for the annual Christmas drinks and Christmas dinners. For many, this is the perfect opportunity to end the year festively, but how do you organize a successful Christmas drink? We are happy to give you a number of tips on which elements should not be missing at your Christmas drink!

Location and time

You can of course organize a Christmas party at work, at home or at an external location. Depending on the number of guests and budget, you can choose a suitable location. December is a busy month. Therefore, decide in advance on which day and at what time of the day you want to organize the Christmas party.

Atmosphere, music and entertainment

Cosiness is a must at a Christmas party. A beautifully decorated Christmas tree and Christmas accessories should of course not be missing on location! Also make sure there is enough entertainment for your guests during the evening. Make sure there are board games on the table or organize a pub quiz! Also choose the right (Christmas) music, so that guests get into the right Christmas mood.

Delicious food

Of course, the holidays include good food! For a successful party, it is of course important that tasty and varied snacks are offered, guests should not sit there with a growling stomach. In addition to good food, a good party is of course also part of it. For the holidays, you can really go all out. For example, choose a nice red wine or a special liqueur. Make an impression and welcome your guests with an amuse and a welcome drink!

Put your guests in the spotlight

A Christmas party is an ideal moment to put a colleague, family member or loved one in the spotlight. This can be in the form of a speech or a nice present. Make sure that a number of people or the entire company gets the recognition they deserve!

The Ugly Christmas Sweater

We notice that it is not done to dress up in a normal sweater during a Christmas party. Don't know what to do during the Christmas party? No problem and go for a warm ugly Christmas sweater! With an ugly Christmas sweater you are guaranteed to impress your guests!

We are sure that with the above tips you will ensure a perfect Christmas party!

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