Surviving King's Day after an intense King's Night?

  • , by Martijn
  • 4 min reading time

It's King's Day, you're hungover, tired, nauseous and listless. Your friends are waiting for you to make the city, street parties and markets unsafe, but you don't feel like it AT ALL. King's Night was just a bit too intense and you'd rather bury your face in your pillow and take a walk to dreamland. Yet you realize that you can't miss this day.

King's Day stands for fun, togetherness, craziness, fun instagram photos with strangers, haggling everything at the market down to 10 cents and taking junk home. This is perhaps the best day of the year in the Netherlands! So you get out of bed while you are still wearing your Neo Orange outfit from yesterday and think to yourself: okay, how am I going to do this? These tips will ensure that you can still have a great day and that King's Night was nothing compared to it!

A fresh start with a warm shower

This doesn't always help with a hangover, but all that sweat, dirt and bacteria on your face has to come off! Lots of photos, videos and snaps are taken so you have to look fresh and fruity, as far as possible. After this it's time for a hearty breakfast. A nice glass of orange juice, fried eggs and a paracetamol. The vitamins and minerals in the juice will give you a boost. Fruit juice contains a lot of fructose, a sugar that affects your energy levels and liver functions. And believe me, your liver needs some help today. Eggs work well against a hangover. They contain an amino acid (cysteine) that your body needs right now! Cysteine ​​breaks down the toxins that make you feel so bad. Avoid coffee! Drinks with caffeine actually dehydrate you and make the hangover worse. So a good and hearty breakfast helps! Oh yes, the paracetamol is of course for that pounding headache.

*Extra tip: turn on the TV during breakfast and get into the orange mood.

The right outfit

The outfit is very important, you have to feel comfortable today and yet your outfit has to be of a certain level. You have 2 options. You go for a nice pair of jeans, your favorite shirt and that shoe that you always wear. This combination is sufficient in most cases. Are you standing in the mirror and thinking: this is not going to work, I don't look fresh or these jeans don't fit well? Then there is always option 2. Go in a Lion suit ! You always look good in a lion suit. Bags invisible, outfit of the right level and comfortable! In addition, you walk through the city like a true hero and all the attention and energy make you happy. This is secretly also our favorite and best option. If a lion suit is a bit too much, go in an Orange dungaree or as a Supporter of Orange .

Start of the day

You've had a good breakfast, your outfit is good and you have a bottle of water with you. You are ready for fun, craziness, togetherness, photos and your friends. Start by searching the flea markets. You can get in the mood and prepare yourself for the busy street parties. There is a big chance that you will find some bargains and don't forget to haggle the price!

Surviving the madness

After the market, you recharge on a terrace. The walk along the market and the fresh air will make you feel much better. On the terrace, you order a good lunch and an isotonic drink. These drinks contain carbohydrates that slowly give you energy. This way you can recharge for the rest of the day and you will slowly get more energy!

After the terrace you are ready for the real hustle and bustle! The fresh air, the isotonic drink and the bargains from the market will make you feel great again. Make sure you take a sip of water every now and then, otherwise you can dehydrate again. You are slowly starting to feel at home in the hustle and bustle again. You take photos, videos, dance polonaises with strangers and make the streets unsafe together with your friends. You realize that King's Night is actually just a good start to King's Day and you are glad you got out of bed!

*SUPER TIP: If you have chosen a lion costume you will get a lot of attention! Therefore ask 1 euro per photo! You will still have something left from the day!

Want to dress up but have no idea how? Check out our full range of orange clothing !

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