Wearing a beautiful army cap is not for everyone. If you are a tough and rough person and are not afraid of the devil. Then you are a suitable person to join the army and of course you may wear an army cap. A beautiful camouflage cap for our country defenders.
Soldiers army cap for kids
In recent years, celebrating a birthday has become increasingly popular. Where you used to go somewhere, you now see more and more often that birthdays are held at home again. The parents and the birthday boy then come up with a theme for the party. The theme soldier party is also an increasingly common concept. Children then all receive a few soldier items and a treasure hunt is then organized in the soldier theme of course. Can you see everyone walking around with a children's army cap or an army helmet for children? It is a beautiful sight. Buy a few bullet belts and perhaps a rifle with binoculars and the children will enjoy themselves all afternoon. If you want tips on organizing a soldier party, you can always call us. We have an enormous range of items. You will then not only leave the house with just an army cap.
What is the function of an army cap?
It is a dream of every man to join the army. That is why it is important that you know why an army cap is worn by you as an officer or soldier. After all, a soldier's suit without headgear does not make a real soldier. An army cap with camouflage on it is often worn during training and in free time. This army cap has a higher wearing comfort compared to a helmet. The helmet is only suitable for dangerous situations that threaten to get out of hand. If there is fighting at the front, we advise our soldiers not to go to war with an army cap. You will certainly lose the battle and your army cap will fly off.
Buy or make an army cap yourself
If you need army caps for a large group, you can always consider making them yourself. An army cap is usually not that expensive. If you need one for a large group, it will always cost a lot more and you can consider making it yourself. There are 2 other options that you can seriously consider. You can go for a cheap army cap in the form of a camouflage bandana or you can request a group discount and then you will quickly receive a nice discount on your army caps. Making one yourself is also quite a bit of work. If you need 100 of them, you will be busy for a few evenings putting together a nice army cap, which you can also buy.