If you want to wear a beautiful Marilyn Monroe dress, we have several options for you in our collection. Of course, you don't wear a Marilyn Monroe dress on a weekday. The versions we sell are meant to reenact a performance by this star or if you have a costume party with a Marilyn Monroe theme. In any case, we have everything you need to ensure a great performance.
How do I dress like Marilyn Monroe?
If you want to dress up in a Marilyn Monroe dress, it is useful to know exactly what to wear and what you are actually representing. The latter is especially important in our opinion. Marilyn Monroe became famous in the 50s as a presenter and actress. Because she often appeared on TV and everyone thought she looked good, she later became a kind of sex symbol for that time. If you see a Marilyn Monroe dress walking around, it was definitely worth looking around. A Marilyn Monroe dress is a white dress that reaches to the knees. Especially when you turn around, it is nice that the dress starts to blow a little. Make sure you wear a white petticoat underneath. Otherwise, people will look at your underpants.
What else can I order?
You have now found your beautiful Marilyn Monroe dress. Then it is necessary that you find a beautiful Marilyn Monroe wig or you do the hair yourself as Marilyn always had it. You will also definitely need a fake pearl necklace . If you prefer not to be seen or you are a man who wants to imitate Marilyn Monroe, then a Marilyn Monroe mask is not a bad item to have. That way they do not see that you are not actually a woman. You can also come to us for a set with long white gloves . That way you have a whole set of Marilyn Monroe clothing in one order. That way you can shine like someone in a real Marilyn Monroe dress would do.