Who knows a Zorro without his Zorro sword? That is of course not the intention. If you do know one, let him know that he should buy a Zorro sword very soon to defend himself against the bad guys. Because it is of course not the intention that you should immediately pack your bags at the first fight as Zorro.
Zorro sword for young and old
The Zorro swords that are on our website are all provided with a length in the product information. From this you can also find out whether it is suitable for your child or whether an adult can also use it. Some of the swords also have a sheath. In this you can safely store your Zorro sword so that bystanders cannot 'injure' themselves with it. We have different types of Zorro swords, it is mainly in the length but also in the handle. Some are equipped with a bit more luxury and will therefore be a bit more expensive. It also depends on what you need it for. Is it for a one-time use because you scored a small role in a musical? Then it might be more convenient to go for the cheaper version. But are you really going to try to save the city during carnival? Then it might be better to get your hands on a qualitatively somewhat nicer and stronger Zorro sword.
Additional Zorro items
If you are looking for other zorro items besides a zorro sword, you can certainly find what you are looking for with us. For example, we have different types of zorro masks. Think of different colours but also shapes. But of course the well-known cape of zorro should not be missing from our range. And for partygoers who are looking for a complete zorro suit , we also have good news. We also have beautiful variants for these people! So from zorro sword to zorro hat, we have it for you!