Fancy dress party coming up and looking for fun lace masks for a kind of bal masque? Well, you can't help it, but you've come to the right place. Over 150 different lace masks, especially for your unique party costume.
Lace masks are hot
On television you see it more often in series, people who wear lace masks during a party. This is often linked to erotic parties but nothing could be further from the truth. Nowadays you see more and more theme parties. At times of anniversaries for birthdays, weddings or other beautiful moments a big party is given. The organization then determines the theme and every guest must adhere strictly to this, also for the lace mask.
What is the origin?
That is a very good question. By gathering information here and there, the following appears. In history, the lace mask actually comes from the Venetian era. For the elite; invited guests with often wealth, it was a privilege to wear a mask at these parties. The rule is actually simple to determine how great the wealth is. The less lace, the greater the wealth.
Nowadays this is actually a crazy way and you hardly see this anymore. Partygoers do not show off wealth, but want a great evening. Wealth is actually already by being present, friends around you and having the greatest fun. Such a lace mask is actually a completion of the costume instead of showing wealth.
Service from
Are you looking for a lace mask and have you been able to make a choice? Then order it before 5 pm so that you can shine tomorrow. Do you have questions about the lace mask or for example matching lace gloves ? Feel free to ask all questions via chat, e-mail, whatsapp or of course telephone. All your questions about party supplies and other affinities will be answered. So rest assured and look around quietly so that you make the right choice for your lace mask!