If you are looking for a marquise wig, we have different types that will meet your expectations. We have a whole category filled with all marquise wigs in this party shop. There is definitely a nice one for you.
What is a marquise wig?
Among the different types of carnival wigs you can also find beautiful marchioness wigs. These types are made on the hairstyle of the time that a marquis and marchioness were present in countries. They were mainly the owners of large castles and large pieces of land. The ladies often have beautiful and very well-groomed hair. In many cases, the hair is pinned up or worn in a braid. You can also clearly see this in the cheap marchioness wigs. These are all imitated from the time as it belongs to the medieval clothing .
A wig alone won't get you there
If you have a party with a medieval or marquis theme, you can buy a marquise wig. You are not quite ready yet. Only a marquise wig on your head and you are not yet completely someone from that time. That is why we offer beautiful marquise costumes in addition to the different wigs. You can also find matching men's suits with us. This way you can dress up the same as a couple during the theme party or carnival. In some cases we even have the same type of suits for the entire family. We also recommend that you buy a jar of white make-up and red lipstick with a marquise wig. This way you can also lighten the skin color. Many marquises had almost completely white skin at that time. This way you can also transform your face in the theme. It is important that you first look at which marquise wig you want to buy.