A muscle suit is fun for both adults and children. We also have multiple muscle suits on our website. For example, we have suits where you only see the muscles, so you can pull a piece of clothing over it yourself and create the perfect muscle suit. But are you going to dress up as the hulk? Then you need a green version. Because we have these too. This green muscle suit is super fun and can also be used during Halloween and or carnival.
Muscle pack for everyone
We have muscle suits for both children and adults. We also have a wide selection in the themes below. For example, we also have funny bodybuilder suits. So if you dress up with a whole family in this theme, you have super fun suits in here that really make you a whole. In addition to these suits, we also have these muscle suits in other themes. So feel free to look around with your little one to see which suits you like best together or alone. Another advantage of these suits is that they are a bit thicker and therefore a bit warmer. This means you don't have to wear as much clothing and your costume will look better.
Muscle maintenance pack
Have you placed an order with us? Congratulations on your purchase! Now that you have had a great party, has your muscle suit become a bit dirty? If it is a small stain, it is worth cleaning it by hand first. There is a washing label in each costume. This clearly states how you can wash the costume. If you have now cut this out, you can always contact us. We will then find out from our supplier how you can best clean the muscle suit.