Do you need wings for your costume? Then take a look at our large assortment. We have a wide choice of different types. Think of certain lengths for children and adults, but also of the colors. Combined colors are also possible. It just depends on what you are going to dress up as. Because we also have nice variants for certain winged animals. Sometimes these are already standard with the costume, but sometimes you have to buy them separately. You can find all this under the heading product description, here it is clearly described what belongs to the product. If you have any doubts, you can always contact our customer service.
Wings for your elf suit, animal costume or angel dress
Beautiful wings as an accessory for your carnival outfit. These wings come in all sizes and colors. There are wings with feathers but also wings of mesh with a beautiful print. Take a look at the Ladybug wings or angel wings of white or black feathers
Fleece wings for bees and ladybugs
How wonderful it would be if people could fly too. In ancient Greece, Icarus tried that once, but it was a complete failure because his feather wings melted when he came too close to the sun. Since then, mankind has always tried to fly with wings and machines. With those machines and airplanes, that has been quite successful. With wings attached to humans, not by a long shot. Yet, wings remain an interesting theme for people. Angels, for example, have angel wings. They watched from heaven with them. Devils also had wings, only they were red devil wings or black Satan wings. Especially for carnival costumes, we have selected carnival wings for you here. There are many different wings for carnival costumes. Think of the aforementioned angel wings, devil wings, but also animal wings, insect wings and yes, even vampire wings. For all carnival clothing that includes wings, you will find the right feather wings or membrane wings here.
White angel wings and red devil wings
If you are going to dress up as a lovely bee or Maya the bee, you will definitely need the yellow bee wings. These fleece wings for bee suits are beautiful and available in different wing sizes. There are also ladybug wings for ladybugs. These fleece wings for ladybugs are red with black dots so that you really look like a ladybug. Of course, there are also pink butterfly wings. For vampires, there are bat wings. These bat wings are often black, but there are also red vampire wings available here. We have already mentioned the white angel wings. There are super large wings for angels with real white feathers, but also smaller wings for children with short feathers. Black angel wings with lights are often requested for the black angel dresses, the wings for the angel of death. For elves, there are special green wings. These green fleece wings are specially tailored to the elf suits that you can find in abundance on this site. With a beer in your system, you might be tempted to spread your wings. We advise you to keep your feet on the ground, because these are just decorative wings for carnival costumes. The carrying capacity of the wings is really limited.
Feather wings for party wear
So if you are looking for wings for your carnival outfit, then this carnival clothing store is also the right place for that. For all outfits that wings match, we have the right fleece wings, feather wings and decorative wings. Green wings for elves and white wings for angels. Just fly around between these winged friends and find the feathers that suit you. We wish you a good flight with your wings.