Are you looking for swords and sabres to give your costume that little push to make it look perfect? Then we have enough choice for every theme from our category swords and sabres. We also have fun swords and sabres for children. These are a bit smaller than the normal swords and sabres and therefore ideal for the kids. Because often they get tired of these attributes after a while because they are actually a bit too big. Then these swords and sabres are the perfect solution.
Beautiful swords and sabers for carnival
Essential accessories for your Ninja costume , knight outfit, pirate suit and so on. These fake swords and sabers are just like real but completely harmless. For a number of swords a matching sheath is also available.
Can be used at multiple parties
The swords and sabres can be used at more parties than just Carnival. For example, in the Netherlands we have Halloween. You might think, but that is not celebrated here at all? Nowadays this party is becoming increasingly popular. On the 31st of October it is time, many children dress up as scary as possible and go to the neighbors' doors to collect as much candy as possible. They then try to scare the children away by decorating their house. So if you buy a sword or sabre, you can also use it for this party. Buy a bottle of fake blood and smear it a little over the sword and the neighbors will give in and give you all your candy! This fun spectacle is also called Trick or Treat. So if you are looking for swords and sabres, you can also use it for this party.